What is CBD/CBG?


 Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, and the second most prevalent compound found in cannabis. While it has a presence in all cannabis strains, the most abundant supplies come from non-psychoactive strains such as Hemp. In layman terms, the less it gets you high, the higher the potency of CBD is to be found in this particular strain, such as hemp. It is important to note that the FDA has legalized hemp plants under the Farm Bill, so long as they contain less than 0.3% THC.

How is Cannabidiol (CBD) Produced?

At Natural Blum, we are proud of our unique two-step process and therefore are happy to share the basis of this process with you without divulging our secrets. Our extraction process which helps us in deriving the highest potency and purest CBD extracts with the lowest levels of THC (0.00%) on the market. Step one is an extraction process. We soak the flower in a supercritical CO2, the cleanest way to derive the individual extracts, spinning it to cause the initial separation, then heating it to “burn off” the solvent. This is one of the most common methods used by commercial CBD manufacturers, and where most of them end. Taking it a step further, we continue to purify the CBD oil during the heating during a process called factionalized distillation. It is the unique combination of these two methods that strips the oil from the chlorophyll, waxes, and lipids in the hemp plant, resulting in a truly full-spectrum oil. In short, this unique combination of CO2 extraction with a distillate or factionalized distillation method that allows create a product with virtually non-existent levels of THC, while offering the highest levels of cannabinoids and terpenes available at affordable prices. The result is a pure isolate (100% pure CBD, 100% Pure CBG, 0.00% THC) that can be carried through to all our extremely potent products.

Measuring the Potency of CBD

What makes Natural Blum different from other products is our high standards for ethanol and our unwavering commitment to ensure that our product remains potent and adheres to highest quality standards. Tested in the same way CBGs and THCs are tested for potency, the testing apparatus used by Natural Blum are of the highest standards. Our standard protocol utilizes an Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) machine which measures the potency in all our flower, edibles, and extracts. This HPLC remains to be our preferred instrument due to it’s advanced technology and accuracy in reporting potency results. The HPLC accurately and precisely tests CBD without exposing it to heats which may break down the cannabinoid precursors, thus minimizing the skewing of potency information.


Cannabigerol (CBG) is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid increasingly abundant. The lower the THC, the higher CBG is within any cannabis strain. While it has a presence in all cannabis strains the the most abundant supplies come from non-psychoactive strains such as Hemp. In layman terms, the less it gets you high, the higher the potency of CBG to be found in this particular strain. Typically CBG is found to be most potent in younger, underdeveloped plants as opposed to fully mature ones.

How is Cannabigerol (CBG) Produced?

Young cannabis plants begin to produce CBG in high volumes. As the plants mature the CBG converts into either THC or CBD, greatly reducing the potency of CBG within the individual plan.  After young, highly potent CBG cannabis plants are harvested they undergo an extraction process to separate cannabinoids. It is during this elaborate process that purifies the resulting product, drawing out the cannabinoids and terpenes from the plant. The next step requires advanced technology and in the case of our top quality CBD/CBG products, technical equipment. The CO2 is extracted and purified resulting in a high purity CBG concentrate. At this step the process is complete. The CBG concentrate that remains is then stored away from direct sunlight, at a temperature around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, thus preserving the potency until ready to be packaged and shipped.

Measuring the Potency of CBG

What makes Natural Blüm different from other products is our high standards for superfluid, processing, and concentration. Tested in the same way CBDs and THCs are tested for potency, the testing apparatus used by Natural Blüm are of the highest standards. Our standard protocol utilizes an Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) machine which measures the potency in all our flower, edibles, and extracts. This HPLC remains to be our preferred instrument due to it’s advanced technology and accuracy in reporting potency results. The HPLC accurately and precisely tests both CBGA and CBG without exposing it to heat which may break down the cannabinoid precursors, thus minimizing the skewing of potency information.