CBD has become popular as a holistic approach to health and wellness. You may have heard about CBD, even tried a few products but may not understand the complex process that goes into making them. The way CBD is extracted may affect taste, potency and the quality of products. It is important to understand the different extraction methods so you can choose a safe, quality product.
When looking for a quality CBD product from a respected brand, the following are some things to consider:
- Where does the brand source its hemp from;
- Does the brand use an independent third-party to test its products for potency and purity;
- Can you view the brand’s third-party lab reports on its website;
- What type of extraction process does the brand use to get its extract;
- Does the brand’s staff have knowledgeable about the product.
To make CBD products, the CBD, terpenes, flavonoids, and other cannabinoids must be carefully extracted and preserved from the cannabis plant. When crafting high-quality CBD products, it’s important that the purity and quality of the extracts are maintained. There are many ways of extracting CBD from the cannabis plant and below are some of the most common methods.
Solvent Extraction
Food grade ethanol or hydrocarbons like butane or propane are soaked or washed over cannabis plant trimmings, drawing out all of the plant’s compounds. When hydrocarbon extraction is used, the mixture now containing cannabinoids, terpenes and other compounds is further refined with most of the solvent removed. After this, a final purge of any remaining solvent is performed leaving behind a concentration of CBD oil. In ethanol extraction, the liquid that’s obtained is distilled to separate the hemp oil from the ethanol to further isolate the desired compounds.
This process is efficient and relatively inexpensive. Solvents are good at locking onto and drawing out the cannabis compounds and Hydrocarbons are known for preserving the plant’s flavor and aroma. Because the solvents are flammable, this can be a dangerous process in certain situations. In addition, ethanol has the potential to extract chlorophyll, which can leave an unpleasant taste in the final product. Another thing to consider is that due to the higher cost associated with ethanol, many manufacturers choose to go with synthetic solvents (like butane or hexane), which can result in a lower quality, or even CBD oil that’s not fit for consumption if they’re not removed correctly from the final product.
Steam Distillation
This is a popular method for extracting essential oils and works well for extracting cannabinoids. Steam is used to release cannabinoids from the raw plant material. This creates a vapor, full of cannabinoids, phytonutrients, and terpenes which is then cooled and condensed and the oil and water are separated.
Steam distillation is an inexpensive and easy method that is solvent free. Drawbacks to this method is that it’s inefficient and you need more plant material to obtain less oil. In addition, this method produces inconsistent concentrations of CBD and can possibly damage the delicate chemical properties of some heat sensitive cannabinoids and its compounds.
Natural Solvent (olive oil) Extraction
There are people (cannabis aficionados) who like to extract CBD themselves. In this method a “natural solvent” like olive oil, can used for the extraction process. The cannabis is heated to a specific temperature and then combined with the olive oil and heated again to pull out the cannabinoids. Because the olive oil does not evaporate like other solvents, the final product will not be as concentrated and is more of a CBD-infused oil.
This method is easy, inexpensive and can be done at home. Because the oil being used is natural, it eliminates concerns over residual harmful solvents. A drawback to using this method is that it’s not very efficient and there is room for error. Because this method is not as accurate, the final mixture may be less concentrated than an extract.
CO2 Extraction
CO2 extraction is considered the gold standard of extractions and is scientifically advanced. CO2 extraction uses pressurized carbon dioxide to “pull” naturally occurring phytocompounds (including cannabinoids and terpenes) from the cannabis plant and is the only method that doesn’t leave a residual or “dirty” aftertaste in the products. It also purifies the cannabinoids to remove unnecessary cannabinoids like THC. In this process, three chambers are used. In chamber one, CO2 gas is converted into a liquid by increasing the pressure and decreasing temperature. In the next step, both the temperature and the pressure are carefully and slowly raised until the liquid carbon dioxide achieves what’s called a “supercritical” point. During this point, the carbon dioxide is in between being a liquid and a gas, even though its more like a liquid. Once this state is reached, the carbon dioxide is transferred into the second chamber that holds hemp plant material. As the CO2 passes through the hemp, an oil rich in cannabinoids, terpenes, and phytonutrients is pulled from the plant. As the oil and the carbon dioxide travel to the third chamber, they both separate and any leftover CO2 is separated from the organic compounds, and what remains is pure CBD oil.
While it requires qualified personnel and there are higher costs associated for CO2 extraction, it is by far the most efficient and quickest method to extract CBD. It is also the industry preferred method because it’s precise, efficient, environmentally friendly and solvent free.
These are the most commonly used CBD extraction methods and each has its own pros and cons. When choosing a CBD product, do your research on how a brand obtains its extracts, read third-party independent lab reports, and always choose CBD products from reputable sources. CO2 extraction is the industry preferred way of obtaining extracts because it’s safe, efficient, and produces a top-quality, high potency product. If you’re looking for top-quality CBD products, then seek out trusted and respected brands, like NATURAL BLUM WIGWAM, that use the supercritical CO2 method.